Spiritual Mentor
Animal Communicator
Pet Loss Grief Companion and Guide
Animal Transitions and Loss Support
You've shared a beautiful (and maybe at times challenging?) life. They've taught you much about love, how to be a better version of yourself, and helped you grow and heal - in ways you’re aware of and in ways yet to be discovered.
Nothing makes this easy, and the pain doesn't go away. You will, over time, come to live more peacefully with your loss, and the pain will be less front and center.
But now, it just hurts. You can turn towards your pain, learn and grow from everything it stirs up. You can also take a break by turning away from and blocking it out. Chances are, you will do both, and that's perfect.
While much of this is an inner journey, you can have help and companionship as you find your way through this very difficult time. Reach out to explore ways we can work together. In the meantime, please feel free to download "Moving Through Grief with Loving Awareness™."
I also invite you to honor your pet's memory with their picture and tribute on my new "In Loving Memory" memorial page.
Animal Transitions Care and Support
Individual Sessions and Packages
These sessions are crafted to help you:
Look back 6 months from now and say everything was perfect.
Show up for yourself and your pet as your best self.
Make decisions surrounding their crossing.
Make the most of the time you have left.
Mourn gracefully and move through your grief.
Embrace the deeper lessons your pet shared with you.
Understand and accept what has happened.
Explore your whys and what ifs.
Check in with other pets in your household.
Honor their place in your life.
I will meet you and your pet where you are in their end of life journey and go from there. They may have already crossed. It may be they've entered their "window" of time as they near the end, or you may just know the window is getting near.
These sessions may be any combination of end of life planning, grief companioning, animal mediumship, and intuitive coaching, depending on where you're at, what you need, and where we're guided.
Available as individual sessions, or two and three session packages.